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How to profit from investing in stocks - My logic is once BIG Investors find a good stock and decide to buy, their action will reflect on the stock technical chart, i.e. cause stock trend change. I am a trend investor and have been writing my experience into a software - Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software. I am very glad to share my experience with you.

a. Avoid Tragedy - I have very simple rules to avoid those tragedy stocks. If you buy them, you will lose 50% of your investment. The rule is: never buy stocks in down trend. Let's see some examples: PRTL, BBDb.TO, XYBRE, PFE, JDSU.

b. Cut Loss Short - You avoided those tragedy stocks, what does it mean? It means that all stocks that you buy are those with potential up, but there are still chance that you buy a big bear unfortunately. In this case you have to stop loss as soon as possible.

Let Profit Run - OK, you avoided those tragedy stocks and you do buy an up stock. When do you sell it? Most of us sold the up stocks too early! With Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software, you will catch big move! The example is AIQ.

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